Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cheaper than Hotel in UK

Beautiful Sunday, i think every one wish that, include me, To day is Sunday, week up feel more fresh, get a shower and go to Monastery (Temple), and back at noon, cook some noodles to eat, of course with a cup of coffee after lunch, enjoy is it?
Feel relax i start to open my computer, see something interest in there, usually start to see Travel, because it's favorite my hobby, now i saw from the site that have write cheaper make me interested, of course every trip i always find the cheaper prize for Hotel, Travel and accommodation to support it, this site is about a visit to Yorkshire in the UK.
I never go to UK but i have planed, because usually i only travelling to Asia and Australia, i read the information about Cities in Yorkshire, They have got fantastic shops, attractions, lively art, music and drama scenes, plus some of the country’s best restaurants, shops, clubs and bars. If i have been there i would go to the cities that have the special character like Leeds, York, Sheffield, and many other, with Yorkshire we will know What to do, Where to go and Where to stay.

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